Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Glass Action Studio!

I am so excited that Deb Barnett, of Glass Action Studio, has finally opened up her Etsy shop! I have been wanting to share her awesome work for months, and now that she has an online home, I can!!!

These vases are just amazing! When hung from a window, the colors of each vase are insane! I keep 2 in my kitchen window for herb cuttings from the garden! Then I dont have to waste anything, the herbs stay fresh in water, and a lot of the times if it is a wonderfully smelling herb, like Rosemary, the whole kitchen will has the scent!

They come in all kinds of colors, shapes and sizes and are super affordable for such a beautiful handmade piece! These would be a great Mothers Day Gift!

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Waterrose said...

Oh, these are to visit her shop now!

Anonymous said...

I'm just paying her Etsy store a visit now, thanks for posting your find! I've never seen hanging glass vases in this style before and I know my mum will love them :)

iHanna said...

They are beautiful for sure - are they really glass? They remind me of a plastic fold vase I saw at the fair this week, those were cool too! :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree - they're fab, the hanging display looks really eye catching x

Tracey said...

Great find- on my way to Etsy right now.

Anonymous said...

Just looking at this post has got me feeling summery. Some of the glass almost looks asif it has pressed flowers within it with those shots of colour.

Anonymous said...

The vases are very beautiful.

Gabriela said...


These are fabulous!

~ Gabriela ~